After the Storm – The Erwins

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Album: Watch & See | Artist: The Erwins | Releast date: 2018 | Genre: Gospel

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Artist: The Erwins
Songwriter: Karen Gillespie
Songwriter: Rachel McCutcheon
Album: Watch & See
Year: 2018

Verse 1:
Caught in the middle of a hurricane
Thought I would drown ‘neath the crushing waves.
But You are my anchor, you kept me safe.
That’s why I’m here today.

After the storm I’m still alive
Because the Lord was on my side.
Sometimes I thought I couldn’t take anymore,
But I’m still standing after the storm.

Verse 2:
I see the favor of your holy face,
Now that the clouds are all passed away,
A beautiful rainbow follows the rain.
With joy I sing your praise.

I’m looking back triumphantly
Because you are my victory!

You should read more on TheGospelGreats regarding this song.

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