Go Down Again – The Wisecarvers – Lyrics only

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Album: Silhouette | Artist: The Wisecarvers | Releast date: September 28, 2018 | Genre: Christian/Gospel

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Contributor: Kaila Nichole Martin Wisecarver
Contributor: Scott Barnett
Contributor: Van Atkins
Album: Silhouette
Released: 2018
Genre: Christian/Gospel
Artist: Wisecarvers

Verse 1:
No eloquent prophecy, or fancy miracle for all to see
Just the words, “Go down seven times”
So as Namaan made his way, into the Jordan River that day
I can’t help but think what was on his mind.
As he slowly reached the water’s edge, It rushes in over his head
He looks to see if the curse has washed away
Does He Say…

I keep going down and getting back up
But I see now change, I feel no touch from you
Lord, Where could you be
This water’s dirty and it’s cold,
But there’s healing in it so I’m told
A miracle, but I’ve yet to see
But I’m staying here until you’re through
Until I get a hold of you
I’m gonna keep believing but until then
I’m gonna go down again

Verse 2:
I know what I feel deep inside
I’ve heard your voice a thousand times but now
That seems so long ago…
I’m still trying to believe
That somehow you’re listening
But I would like a sign so I could know
Surely there’s hope left yet
You wouldn’t just forget
I’m fighting on my knees to get to you
So this is what I’m gonna do…

Chorus 2:
I’ll keep going down and getting back up
Til I see a change or feel a touch from you
I know you’re hearing me
This place is lonely and it’s cold
But it’s Holy Ground so I’m told
The secret place where you will meet with me.
So I’m staying here until you’re through
Until I get a hold of you
I’m gonna keep believing but until then
I’m gonna go down again

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